The key to change is in making DIFFERENT CHOICES. The same actions lead to the same thoughts lead to the same emotional state lead to the same life. The beauty of life is in evolving into who you are meant to be. New experiences bring renewed passion and energy! But it all starts by doing something different than you usually do.
Jared McCann Quotes
Keep It Moving... /
“There will always be challenges. Moments of ease. And moments of difficulty. If we are not mindful it is easy to fall prey to despair, frustration, and fear of the future.
When I find myself worrying about things like work, finances, planning, scheduling, relationships, etc. I first ACKNOWLEDGE the feeling I’m experiencing. I feel it and allow it. Then I come back to my breath. And next I feel my physical body.
Once I am present, I then ask myself, what can I do RIGHT NOW to move forward. What can I do right now to bring peace of mind and improve the situation. Sometimes it’s something as simple as an email or phone call. Sometimes it’s making a plan or work schedule for myself and my team. Sometimes I just need to exercise. But I do not give into doubt and despair. I have permanently removed that option from the menu.”
Let it Be /
“What will happen will happen. We can fight it. We can be impatient. We can resist.
Or we can relax and allow life to unfold in the way that it will…”
Posture Hack /
“When we are grounded in the present moment, the body can relax. It is in this state of surrender where deeper expressions of the postures are available.”
Consistency is King /
“It’s not about the posture. It’s not about you did good or bad. It’s not about the amazing benefits that you receive. It’s just about whether you did it or not. Consistency is king.”
Victory is Mine /
“Some days are easy. Some days it feels like my heart might explode. Either way, I continue to do the work. For me that is the victory. I know I’ve made it. Because I have a clear direction of what I must do, of what I am doing. And in that greater purpose of self, my human pushings and pullings and dramas are only peripheral.”
Be Brave Enough /
“The final part of learning is unlearning. To be brave enough and strong enough to say...I don’t know. I don’t know, but I’m here, and I ready, and I’m prepared to do my best.”
Don't Go Too Far... /
“I don’t go too far into my excitement. I don’t go too far into my fears. I wait in the unknown of center. And from this place I am capable of everything.”
Just Do Your Best! /
“If you’re a robot, you should do it perfectly. But if you’re a human, then you should do your best.”
Keeping it High /
“I work to keep it high. I work to love. I work to accept what is without regret. I work to accept everyone how they are and see them with love. And I don’t harbor ill will or judgement toward others.”